This summer is ridiculous! Another hot day and hey, I don’t work <massive grin>, so I loaded up the bike with the full baggage configuration and rode up to the forest. Found a sweet spot along a little river and setup the tarp and tent for some practice – the tarp took a bit of time, had to work out how to secure the main line to hang the tarp over – eventually got it nicely taut and the rest was a cinch, apart from all my guy lines wrapped in the tarp typically entwined themselves like a brood of snake bastards. So, lesson learnt there. Played a bit with my camera on the Joby tripod and also the GoPro with the app on my phone, very cool. App’s a bit fiddly but it’s very handy.

Here’s the route:

[tsmap track=12]

And, here’s the pics from the Canon. I’ll try and edit the GoPro footage some time and get it on the YoutTube.


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