Just one more week to go, it literally can’t come soon enough.

Then it’s off to SA for a bit, can’t wait!

In terms of the bike etc – it’s pretty much ready to go, just a couple of odd bits I need to sort out but I’ll do that once work is done! Cannot wait 🙂 I am trying to make time for a ride but it’s just not happening…it’s really frustrating as I just want to ride now.  At the moment I’m working on a Facebook banner page for an update on Facebook – using Gimp to edit the image but I’m not happy with the pic’s I have at the moment so really want to go for a ride to take some more shots…Sunday, fingers crossed.

Tomorrow evening will be TP9, the last one! Happy days, then Saturday for the last input session and the last day of CELTA! Can’t believe it’s almost over, it’s been a tough, tough 3 months balancing it with work, planning the trip and tying everything up in the UK.

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