We arrived at kingscott in North Devon in the evening, just over 90kms travelled from Taunton. Much tougher day once we entered Devon as Devon is hilly, so it was slow climbing much of the way. Weather was also against us, particularly the head wind which was gusting quite strong. We also got rain squalls during which we got soaked but it wasn’t bad as it cooled the legs down nicely.

Typically, it was a monster hill that greeted us just 800m from our destination, but once over the top we were greeted warmly and after a gloriously hot bath we braai’d and ate like kings…

The next days weather was pretty miserable. Aub and I chilled in the house most of the day until the sun came out in the afternoon. George got back from Exeter and we went down to the beach by Northam. Wind was howling and I flaked out on the swim. Did have an ice cream with clotted cream on top…won’t do that again! ?

The next day I went down to Torrington cycle hire to meet Hutch who was going to show me a few technical bike maintenance skills. Spent the afternoon there and learnt some new skills.

George and Aub arrived in the evening and we rode up the Tarka trail to Barnstaple to see Aub off. Nice ride along the old railway line into town then a tough ride back to Kingscott, hill after hill…

George, Sarah and I then went down to the Royal exchange for some pool and beers.

Next day we went into Barnstaple for new tyres for Georges car and walked about town. Found a saffa butcher and got some droewors, sweet. Also bought some fudge, which was top class delicious ?

We then went to the beach and the weather was good for swimming so had a great swim in the sea.

We ended the day in Roborough in the village pub with a fantastic meal.

Got back to Kingscott and the sky was full of stars…

And so ended my time in North Devon, magic place and thank you to George and Sarah for having me…

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