So the idea is pretty simple.

There’s a target date: 24 July 2018. I’ll come to that later. Originally, I’d thought of a date much earlier, like March I think it was. At the time it felt too soon…but right now, 24/07 seems like ages away. I think I justified it in mind in that by setting it in July, I could afford the initial expense through a normal salary. Just wondering what the sacrifice of this method is now. Maybe it’s best to “just do it”. Whatever, it’s 24/07 for sure.

So yeah, the idea. It’s a simple one…to cycle, away. Down the west coast of Africa, into South Africa, then up the east coast of Africa, into Middle East and finally Asia. That’s nutshell of course.

I’ve not told anyone, apart from immediate family. Not quite ready yet. Besides, who doesn’t like surprises.

I’ve got the bike in mind – a Thorn Nomad. I’ve already seen and test ridden a Nomad MK I and perhaps, in hindsight, should have paid for it on the spot, but…I did think it was over priced. Anyway, I’ve got time. I’ve got my MTB on eBay and I need to get my car and Cube up for sale too, that’ll cover the cost of the new kit.

Otherwise, I am actually shitting myself. It’s a weird situation – the more I think about, the more it seems like a ridiculous idea…especially when I read other touring blogs…so I’ve stopped reading other people’s blogs, and if you’re reading this, wondering if you should cycle around the world…just do it, seriously. No amount of reading blogs, or whatever, will make the trip any easier…it’s about the journey, the experience…the unknown.



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